【宮城/観光名所】定義如来 – 極楽山 西方寺/平家落人伝説の寺院 – Saiho-ji Temple in MIYAGI, JAPAN –


西方寺は、宮城県仙台市にある浄土宗の寺院。地元仙台では、定義如来(じょうげにょらい)や定義山(じょうげさん)と呼ばれています。しかし、道路標識などでは、標準語の発音にならい「じょうぎ」 (Jōgi/Jogi/Johgi) と記載しています。そのため、現在の仙台では「じょうげ」「じょうぎ」の2つの発音が混在。この地には、壇ノ浦の戦い後に平家の残党が隠れ住んだとされる平家落人伝説が残っています。


Saiho-ji Temple is a temple of the Jodo sect of Buddhism located in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. Locally in Sendai, the temple is called Jōge-nyōrai or Jōgesan. However, road signs and other signs refer to the temple as “Jōgi” (Jōgi/Jogi/Johgi), following the standard pronunciation. Therefore, the two pronunciations “jōge” and “jōgi” are mixed in Sendai today. Legend has it that the remnants of the Heike clan hid here after the Battle of Dannoura.
The origin of Saiho-ji Temple is said to be that Taira Sadayoshi, a follower of Taira Shigemori, hid here to pray for the repose of the souls of Emperor Antoku and the Taira clan, and after his death, Amida Nyorai was enshrined over his grave. Sadayoshi also changed his name to escape from the society. Because of this new reading of the name, this area eventually came to be called Joge.
For about 800 years since the descendants of the Heike clan, Saiho-ji Temple has attracted the faith of the local people, and even today many pilgrims visit. The five-storied pagoda was built in 1986, and the main hall was built in 1999, 800 years after Sadayoshi’s death. Today, about 1 million tourists visit Saiho-ji Temple each year, and “Sankaku Aburage” (triangular deep-fried tofu), a specialty of the temple’s gate town, has gained popularity and become one of Sendai’s specialties.

Legend of the Heike Occupants/Jodo sect temple/Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture

●Official Site
●Access info

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LUMIX S5 / https://amzn.to/3cXxJWU
LUMIX S 20-60mm F3.5-5.6 / https://amzn.to/3o0gpXv



#定義如来 #西方寺 #仙台市 #宮城県 #定義山 #平家落人伝説




channel WASABI|和作美
